How To Upload Videos To Pornhub

Keen on figuring out how to toss your videos onto Pornhub? Given that the site’s busier than Mia Malkova’s schedule, it’s a surefire way to roll in the big bucks.

This guide is your golden ticket for getting your spicy content up on the platform, covering everything you need to know, including:

  1. Uploading videos to Pornhub as a model
  2. Uploading videos to Pornhub as a content partner

Let’s kick things off with the more popular route: tossing up videos as a Pornhub model.

Uploading Videos To Pornhub As A Model

Not too far back, anyone could toss up some personal collection of adult content and rake in the cash on Pornhub. But thanks to a copyright ruckus, the money flow got messy, leading the site to hit the brakes.

Nowadays, only the verified VIPs or partners can drop their content in the mix. The silver lining? The platform’s Model Program is a breeze to hop into, work with, and score some cash.

According to the whispers on Pornhub’s blog, throwing up your homemade vids could line your pockets with a cool $40,000 a month. Hey, you’re gonna have your fun anyway, right? Might as well cash in on it.

Sure, hitting those numbers won’t happen overnight. But hey, it’s sweet to know that with a bit of savvy, making some serious dough is just that simple.

And talking about tossing things up, here’s the step-by-step for registered models on the entire uploading journey.

Step 1: Making An Account

Getting yourself a Pornhub membership is a breeze, easier than getting a freshman to blush. All you gotta have is a legit email address ready to roll for that account check.

Here’s the drill: Head over to Pornhub’s homepage and hit up Sign Up in the top-right corner. On the fresh page, toss in that valid email, pick a snappy username, and lock in a password.

Give Sign Up another tap, and boom, a verification email slides into your inbox. Click that link, drop in your birthdate, and just like that, your email is officially in the clear. Easy peasy!

Step 2: Becoming a Model

Now that you’ve got that free account, let’s dive into signing up for the official model program. Here’s where it gets a bit tricky, as the verification dance calls for some personal info.

To snag a spot in the program, get ready to spill the beans on:

  1. Your full legal name
  2. Address
  3. Date of birth
  4. Gender
  5. A pic or scan of your ID
  6. Your John Hancock
  7. Your account type pick
  8. Preferred payment method

Once you’ve filled in the blanks, Pornhub will want a crystal-clear shot of a legit ID. Whether it’s your ID, passport, or driver’s license, snap a pic depending on your digs.

Last lap, you’ll need to pull off a live biometric facial scan. Despite the “facial” in there, it’s not the sexy or intense kind — just a quick 3 to 5-second pose with your camera on. Pornhub uses it to match your photo with your ID and say, “Yep, that’s them.”

Once you’ve nailed it, hit Submit.

Give the platform up to 48 hours to run the numbers on your verification request. When the green light pops up, your Pornhub journey is officially a go!

Step 3: Get Your Content Ready

Now that you’ve scored a spot as a model, it’s time to roll that sex tape and toss it onto Pornhub in front of a whopping 22+ million eager eyes.

But here’s the deal: to lure in the viewers, you gotta nail the video title, description, thumbnail, and tags. When it comes to grabbing attention, the packaging might just be as crucial as the content itself.

Here’s a pro tip: Confirm your appearance in the video by hitting Yes in the Verify user section. Skip this step, and your video won’t be cashing in on the monetization game.

Step 4: Get Your Privacy Settings In Order

Time to dial in your video’s privacy settings. You’ve got a few flavors to pick from: 

  1. Private: Keeps it under wraps, viewable only by your buddies.
  2. Public: Open to the public, free to watch with ads — this one’s the moneymaker.
  3. Unlisted: The sneaky option, accessible only through a special link.

Since your eye is on the prize — and the cash flows with those views — the go-to move is generally picking Public.

Here, you can also decide if you’re cool with other users downloading your masterpiece. A quick Yes or No based on your vibe, and you’re set to roll.

Step 5: Get To Uploading!

The last lap, and it’s a breeze: just give the platform’s Terms and Conditions a nod, hit that Upload button, and you’re golden. While you can toss up videos from any device, Pornhub gives the nod to using a desktop to dodge any pesky connection hiccups.

Vital note: Stay put on the upload page until you catch that sweet notification screaming “Uploaded Successfully.” Bailing too soon means you’re back to square one, redoing the whole shebang.

Once your video’s up, kick back and enjoy the show as those views start rolling in. Or, go for the gold and rinse and repeat, tossing up more content to dial up those earnings.

Who knows, maybe you’ll find joy in climbing the verified amateurs ladder and end up donning the cape of a professional star in the adult scene!

Uploading Videos To Pornhub As A Content Partner

Lastly, Pornhub opens the door for you to jump on board its Content Partner Program. This exclusive club is for creators looking to flaunt their paysite studios and affiliate programs.

Once you’re in, you snag a personalized channel decked out with prime ad space for your website(s). Plus, Pornhub gives your content a shoutout on their homepage, and they get a cut of your profits whenever someone clicks on your ads.

The drill for uploading videos as a content partner is pretty much in sync with the Model Program. Here’s the rundown:

Step 1: Joining The Content Partner Program

Jumping on the Partner Program train? Sweet move. Here’s your ticket:

Head over to Pornhub’s Partner page and fill out the form. The cool part? No need for a regular account first, so your job’s a bit easier.

Start with the basics: pick a username and toss in a password. Then, spill the beans on your studio or affiliate program’s name and list out the sites you’re itching to promote.

Once you hit submit, keep an eye on your inbox — within 72 hours, there’s an email with the next steps coming your way. Just follow the cues, and you’ll breeze through the verification process in a jiffy!

Step 2: Uploading Videos

Now that you’ve hitched a ride on the Content Partner Program, hit that Upload button and roll through the steps laid out in the Model section. It’s pretty much a déjà vu, but with a shiny new option in the mix.

Uploading videos as a partner scores you the jackpot — you can post on not one, not two, but three platforms all at once. Say hello to Pornhub, YouPorn, and Redtube.

Once everything’s squared away, hit the Upload button. As soon as those videos hit the stage, all your fans can either stream them on the spot or snag a download for some offline entertainment. It’s showtime!

Finishing Words

Now that you’ve got the lowdown on how to toss your videos onto Pornhub, grab that camera, and let the shooting begin. 

Add a sprinkle of creativity and a dash of kinkiness, and you’ll be rocking the scene in no time!


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